
Deventral is an AI-assisted internal tool builder where business users can build their own internal tools using generative AI without any development skill by defining what to do in simple instructions.

Deventral provides a platform where business users who generally do not have technical knowledge to build software can build purposeful internal tools, which are called micro tools on the platform. With the help of these micro tools, business users are able to improve their organisation's operational efficiency.

🤖 The way of building micro tools depend on an AI model which means AI generates the codes required to build these tools. In this way, business users do not have to write any code or configure any technical infrastructure. Having a cloud-based infrastructure also provides high-level security and scalability for this environment.

âš™ Micro tools build a bridge between data sources and work management systems for business users. In this way, they provide a new way to make better decisions faster, and thus better results in a more efficient way. They connect to data sources with connectors and extend to work management systems with plugins. Therefore, business users can fetch their data quickly and turn it into a tool to make decisions faster and take actions through their work management systems via plugins.

đź’» Another important characteristic of Deventral is providing all its functionality through an application specifically developed for the most used communication and collaboration tool, Microsoft Teams. In this way, users can use Deventral without going to any other software, just in their favourite collaboration tool in an embedded way.

AI-assisted internal tool builder

Start building now!

Getting started

Deventral provides a platform for business users where they can build their internal tools with the help of generative AI without having any development skill.You can easily use Deventral by following the steps below.

Install the application

You can install Deventral application through either Microsoft App Source or embedded application marketplace in your Microsoft Teams called Teams Store. The only thing you need to do is going there and searching for 'Deventral'.

Sign up

You can easily sign up for Deventral through its application by giving requested consent. That connects to your Microsoft account and uses your credentials.

Build micro tools

The most important feature of Deventral is creating micro tools. You can create them by following steps defined here.

Get more productive

Deventral provides several ways to become more productive with your tools. You can add your tools to your favourites or daily digest.

How it works

Micro tools are at the heart of Deventral platform. They are purposeful internal tools, custom software built for a specific purpose to improve operations.These micro tools are,

  • 🤖 generated with AI,
  • 🤝 connected to your data,
  • ⬆ extended to your systems,
  • đź’» embedded into your workflow.

Focusing on decision making, micro tools can be used for many different reasons. Business users can build and use them to manage their work better by making better decisions.You can see how you can build micro tools easily below.

Creating a tool

Home Page

In the Home page, you can click on the 'Create a tool' on the top-right corner.

Chat page

In the chat page, you can use Deventral bot for specific actions, one of which is creating a tool. To be able to do that, you can use 'create' command and click on the button sent by the bot.

Configuring a tool

There are three steps to configure a tool.

1. Define

At this step, you can first connect your data sources through connectors. To do that, you can either create a new connection or use a connection you already have as follows.

Creating a new connection

You can click on "Create a new connection".

Then, you can choose which data source you want to use and give this connection a name of your choice.

As the last step, you can configure your connection by providing the required information as below.

Using a connection

If you already configured a connection before, you select this connection from the list. For testing purposes, you can also use the sample connection utilising Adventure Works dataset.

After setting your connection, it's time to define what you want to build. The only thing you need to do is explaining your requirements in natural language as detailed as possible.

You can use the following tool description for testing purposes in connection with the sample database.

đź’ˇ Sample description: "By looking at the sales made, I want to see the most sold products, which category these products belong to and the customers who buy these products the most."

2. Extend

At this step, you can extend your micro tool to your systems or add other functionalites by plugins. You can do that by adding any plugin as below.

3. Create

At this step, you can style your micro tool by giving its a name, a color and an icon. If you do not set up any name, it will be generated by AI.

Using a tool

Congratulations🎉 You created your first micro tool. Now it is time to use this tool and start making better decisions. You will see your micro tools in your Home page and you can use your tool by just clicking on them!

Editing a tool

Sometimes you may want to improve the tool you easily built. Editing a tool is even easier! Deventral keeps using AI to help users to edit their tools.

About the author
Umut Ozturk

Umut Ozturk

An entrepreneur helping businesses do more for less with better tools

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